ما 15268 مهمان و بدون عضو آنلاین داریم

By: Azad Karimi

My profession began when I enrolled in a printing institute called Artists Proof Studios. That opened a new do of many art opportunities.



South African Pyrographer-Painter artist Themba Shabalala

By Azad Karimi


The youth with a good adviser can make their life without fear. They need to encouragement and material and spiritual support. This support must be accompanied by an understanding of their interests.

The challenges of a teenager are very serious. They have to study and cope with school and its problems and stresses.

They also have emotional and love problems and do not know how to deal with it.

They find many interests that are very fleeting, and this confuses them. But this complex stage can also flourish in them, if accompanied by the right support and guidance.

Themba have passed that periods and now he is a young man. He is a good pattern for motivation in youth. When he was writing his answers automatically I was seeing in messenger. The words boiled in her mind and she wrote, without interruption. He is a capable man. Read the text of our interview, you will surely understand what I am saying.

I wish Themba Shabalala long life with success and lucky.


Thank you!

Vestland – Norway




1- Please present yourself (Name, education, Civil status and...)

.Themba Shabalala is my name.


2-what is your artistic specialize?

. I’m full-time art practitioner predominantly in wood burning or a pyrographer artist.


3- When and how did you become interested in this field of art?

.I developed a keen interest in art at the early age.


4- Who was your motivator and what was your parent’s reaction?

.My mother she was and strong motivates me to create so I can say I had a sting support structure that goes beyond my close relatives. The view of art is a forever evolving concept because it goes with time but it will still be relevant. As an artist I have a great deal of contribution to reshape the society specifically the youth in a positive way.

But it doesn't end there because one must not be only a visual voice by representative but to go on the ground levee to be involve and become one with those you trying to be a voice for in your work.


5- When started you such as a professional artist-painter?

.My profession began when I enrolled in a printing institute called Artists Proof Studios. That opened a new do of many art opportunities.


6- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as an artist?

.It is indeed a great privilege to do what you love and still get paid from it, because that's not everybody's reality. Yes I am truly happy to be an artist.


7- How can you help our world become a better place to live?

.To make the world a better place is great responsibility and first step in this one thousand mile is forging me into becoming the best version of myself and in that way I can inspire others to become the best that they can possibly can. As they say change begins with you and that's how we change the world.


8- Have you more word to say or suggest for our readers?

.One more words. If you feel like it's rough and tough and you want to give up. Just remember why you start it in a first place. Your why is your driving force. Be intentional and have clear vision of what you want to achieve and work on each and one step at the time mad eventually you will get there.

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