ما 5088 مهمان و بدون عضو آنلاین داریم

By: Azad Karimi

I have been doing lectures and meetings to talk about this planet crisis and about the importance to valuing the planet that we live, and specially what keep this planet alive: The Nature.




Brazilian Food Specialist and therapist Leo Soares

By Azad Karimi


Could we be created without the need to eat and drink? Like a robot. Humans and robots move, and their source of their movement is energy.

Where does energy come from? Energy comes from activation. But what is activation? Convert matter into energy! Such as the conversion of a substance into a form of stimulus that stimulates molecules, and this intense motion causes an object to move. LoL!

The motion of molecules causes matter to heat up and deform to generate energy.

These interactions, if they occur in the human body, cause the creation and continuation of life.

Foods are a source of energy for humans. Humans have learned about food and identified useful sources of energy over time, and this science is still active and expanding.

This knowledge is called: Food Science and someone who is active in this activity can be a Food Specialist.

Leo Soares is active in this field. I would like to invite you my respectful readers to read our interview. I think his information is very helpful.

I wish the best for my dear friend Leo ...He is a kind man and nice friend.


Thank you!

Vestland –Norway



1-Please present yourself (Name, education, Civil status and...)

. My name's Leo Soares, I'm Brazilian, 40 years old, married, graduated in Gastronomy. Ten years ago, I left the Gastronomy to study and execute the knowledge of my native ancestry through holistic therapies and natural medicines.


2-what is your artistic specialize?

. Within Gastronomy, I used to mix flavours, scents, colors and textures to create a complete sensorial experience, crossing the eating frontiers. As a holistic therapist through the ancestry knowledge I promote the self-healing and the discovery of the limitless individual power, enlarging the world comprehension, expanding the consciousness and aiding people to connect themselves to their Higher Self.


3- When and how did you become interested in this field of work?

. After a dark period in my life, years doing psychotherapies and the consumption of many different kinds of medications, I was tired of all of that, because it wasn't really solving my issues but only hidding the symptoms. It was when I started to research any alternative exit for this situation and also when I found out about Ayahuasca. Due to that I felt closer to the healing for my issues. I didn't need the pills anymore, what was already a jackpot, and I could felt happier than before. After a few years studying about Ayahuasca, I had the opportunity to reconnect with some native familiars, and from that moment I was definitely and surely healed. After the rebound with those family connections plus the eternal gratefulness for been healed, I decided to spend my time focusing in the study of Power Plants, not only Ayahuasca, but others like Jurema, Rapé and Natural Therapies. And in the right time, like a perfect machine, without self-promotion, people started to look for me seeking that healing. That's how my Shamanic Center Águas de Âmbar borned.


4- Who was your motivator?

. When you expand your consciousness, you realize that all the diseases are created by yourself, and without any kind of product from the Pharmaceutical Industry, you can heal yourself. Yes, my motivator was me and the smile of every person that leaves a healing ceremony.


5- What was your parent’s reaction?

. I had total support from them, because they always knew that I needed it, and this process was totally connected to my future transformation and the things to come.


6- When started you such as a professional Holistic Therapist?

. Effectively, ten years ago.


7- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as Forest medicines?

. Vastly grateful. Not only for my healing but also for my people and their millennial knowledge, many of them unrevealed and kept in deep secret, because the Nature is sacred, and within it you can find healing for all the diseases from body, mind and soul.


8- How you see the view the world healthy, epidemics, Prevention and control of dangerous diseases, maintaining the spirit of global and international cooperation and solidarity in order to prevent the spread of deadly diseases in the world?

. The biggest mistake, specially but not only from the occidental culture, is not treat the cause, the root of the disease, but spend all the resources and time to treat the symptoms. Of course, that, to the Pharmaceutical Industry, it's more profitable to keep a sick person with treatments that only extend their life, the disease, and the need to spend money with the treatment and pills, than to give them the definitive cure. As we live in a capitalist system, it is used as one of the pillars to the maintenance of that system. Looking in a wider point of view, the same capitalist system grows rapidly, taking the Humanity and the Planet Earth to a chaotic fate by a hackles and irresponsible way. Today we have a super population and an industrialization that has no limits to the consumption of natural resources, but paradoxically, totally necessary to attend the consumption of that same super population, creating illusory needs, promoted by mass media in an endless cycle of the capitalist system. It's necessary, now more than ever, that the world governments through joint decisions, start to look to the Nature with more efforts to preserve and protect it, since it's already claiming for help. Nature is wise and perfect. Other pandemic crisis is about to arrive if we don't change our consciousness and accept our real consumption needs.


9- Can you become one part of the cultural movement for motivation in youth or new generation in your country and so than?

. Yes, in a certain way, my job is already doing it. Some ancestry medicines help with the consciousness expansion and a new view about yourself and the world around you. It's curious to observe that part of the new generation is already coming to this world with a different comprehension of those topics, although we need more efforts to keep and preserve it on them worldwide.


10- How can you help our world become a better place to live?

. I have been doing lectures and meetings to talk about this planet crisis and about the importance to valuing the planet that we live, and specially what keep this planet alive: The Nature. I believe that if every human being do an awareness work within its social group, circle, or community, we could reach a critical mass of consciousness already enough to change the concepts and habits, and the new generations would come more conscious of the right way of deal and treat the Earth.


11- Have you more word to say or suggest for our readers?

. I would make some questions to them. Do you really need everything that you buy or consume? Your excessive consumptions really make you happy? Have you ever stopped to observe how many trashes you and your family produces at home? Do you realize that the system induces you to "have" and not to "be"? What's more important, who you are or what you have? It's time to change and wake up!


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