ما 5606 مهمان و بدون عضو آنلاین داریم

By: Azad Karimi

Nature is a Part of me & I am Part of Nature. So it’s like looking into a mirror when I look into nature. It’s like the my mother which offers the gifts, lessons & wisdom to her child needed for my journey as an cosmic soul in an earthly body.



Austrian Creator & Channeler Moritz Holzinger

By Azad Karimi


Dear friends, please read this interview carefully and use it. I will not go into details, my dear friend Moritz gives you more knowledge and understanding of his previous experiences with his writings. We, humans, are strange creatures, living in this world for a while and then leaving it.

How to leave it, known as death, is different for each human being and death is almost an irreversible experience.

So life is a temporary project in this world. Therefore, we must know its quality. Each of us is somehow aware of this quality and it is valuable. This last sentence of mine may seem like advice and preaching, but it comes from the depths of my conscience:

Please be grateful for the moments of your life and take care of your physical and mental health.

Finally, I wish my dear friend Moritz success and good health.


Thank you!




1- Please present yourself (Name, education, Civil status and...)

. My birth given name is Moritz Holzinger which has transformed into the living Presence of Mohi since we arrived in the New Age. I reincarnated here in this green wonderland called Salzkammergut covered by the mountains at the magical Traunsee Lake in Upper Austria. When I was a Child I started to realize that this Game has to be changed and therefore my Part is to be on this Mission Earth hopefully not alone ;-). Little Mo was very creative & free till the 1st school day started where I felt like being in Jail which did not end until I quit school with 17 to start working in our family company cause of the Society I was living in. I started to wear masks , to create & became a roll in this weird game of suffering, separation & mind attached world. Cause I thought this is the only Possibility to do my Mission & change the Game. In this masked Presence I tried to live out my creative Power through interactive community based Events which made a lot of fun until we had to connect more & more with the system/matrix in case of investors, project partners & other business illnesses. I did many different projects & start ups with the goal to raise the collective consciounsess in my region & upon in a co-creative way. With 23 I suffered a Burnout & my soul re-birth which lead me into a really rough but necessary awakening process to get ready for the new Age & my Mission. Without the Apperance of a friend & priestess from many past lifes out of nowwhere I wouldn’t have managed this major shift. Since then many things changed rapidly, locked doors became open & the prepared gifts acessable for the new child which wanted to be given birth. But before I had to finish the big & „fucking“ hard dying process of my masked self & remaining karmic attachements. Now I am in this collective Birth Channel between this old dying & new starting world which are present inside as well outside. Right in this transformation into Union. This is the new Me, this is the Age of Mohi, this is the Moment of the Heroes, this is the Time that shows why we have re-incarneted so many lifes, this is why we trained & suffered so hard.


2-What is your specialize?

. I am a Lightworker with the skills of Unifier, Creator & Channeler for the arising Society of the Aquarius Age. My Job is to follow the call of the Moment to help People to become ready for their true role & purpose in the collective Unification Process. To remeber, let go, connect & re-activate their Inner Magic to the Outer World helping to shift Humanity. Therfore I create Events, do Channelings, work with the Nature Spirits and so on….


3- When and how did you become interested in this field?

. When I had my soul re-birth 5 years ago I started to remeber my Higher selfe(s), got more familiar with Beings supporting me & slowly noticed the Gifts available for this golden Mission. I always knew deep in my heart that I have to be here for a bigger reason and I will become activated when the Time was ready to emerge in this World. I was always interested in Understanding this Game of Separation since my Childhood, how everything plays together, why people are acting how they are acting, how to find the golden middle in between everything, what’s the purpose of life – so this was more mind then soul based back then. „They“ - now I know that they are part of my higher self - always told me that with 28 I will become more activated to all the „Super Powers“ needed for becoming a living Hero but before I have to get trained properly by them. I/We are all still in Training Mode for the big Shift;-)


4- Who was your motivator?

. Without these wonderful beings, a colourful bunch of Earthlings & Cosmics, I wouldn’t be here as Mohi at this present Moment. Short before my soul-re birth a friend of many past lifes waited for this Moment to help me to re-connect with my higher self, she is a reincarnation of lilith and a descendant of the Family of Death which shocked me at the beginnig but without her really hard „Attacks/Gifts/lessons“ on my being I wouldn’t have made it out of my comfort Zone into this big dying/birth process. A few years later I met the Love of my Life Tina Danu, we are still in this wild loving relationship. She supported me with her infinite heart through the hardest as well most beautiful times which gave me the courage to go further towards absolut Freedom from all the old Boundaries. With 28 I met my Soul Father, Brother, Friend named Sion a Shaman from New Zealand that has lived in Steiermark back then. He lead to a major shift into this new Mohi Presence where I realized that the Time is ready to become Present in exposing my Truth to the Outer World. Big Motivators were also many different beings, guardians, spirits, gods, etc or how I call it part of my higher Self, the Hero Team.


5- What was your parent’s reaction?

. At the beginning it was hard for them seing me suffer as I lost the connection to the everyday life routine & masked personality. Understandable when you are in free fall caused by the awakening not knowing who you really are – feeling like a lonely warrior on withdrawal.;-) But with the Time passing by & when I came back from a 1 year travelling as a new Person it has changed. Powerful, calm, clear completely changed so they could let die the Feeling of Fear inside of them & trusted as good as possible. At this date we have nearly completely released these boundaries otherwise they would have gone crazy with the worlds & reality I am living in. It’s still challening for them & nearly unpossible to undersand as the gap in between our living Truth becomes bigger but at least they accept it. So now it’s the time to start our new live in the Caravan to live out this pureness of trust, leaded by the Magic of the Moment without letting freak out the whole neibhorhood. I am so grateful for their Support, Acceptance & Trust even when it was/still is & will be challenging;-)


6- When started you such as an Magic Chamanic Medicine?

. Dont know if I understand that question right? I started to use medicine in a really conscious way a few years ago for lightwork, rituals, healing, etc. I learned to use it only for very special Moments when I needed to upgrade my Power Level. I resonate a lot with rapé which fits to my very expressive being. I believe that CBD is the medicine for this transition we are going through. It fits very well when you are anxious, stressed, etc as well is very innocent, fresh & unattached compared for example with THC/Weed or other Medicines. We plan to do a european rapé with the herbs from our nature, cause i feel that the spirits the nature you are living in/with are the most effective tools/medicines.


7- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as a Chaman-Naturalist?  

. Oh yes even when it’s quiet hard sometimes where I think to prefer lying in a hamock on the beach rather than doing hard work for Humanity & Mother Earth. But thats the rhythm of life, the game oft he polarities, especially in these days & I fucking love it.


8- What is the Chamanism?

. To me it means that you are a Transmitter of Light, Power, Wisdom, Knowlegen in between the physical & energetical Worlds we are living in. To create Harmony & play with the creative Power flowing through everything. Healing, Activating & Transforming to achieve Union between the Inner & Outer World(s). Listen to the Call of your Higher Selfes, the I AM TEAM to serve the devine Purpose of Life.


9- How you see the view? I meant about your activities...

. Again diffcult to understand that question;-) I feel in every cell & see it in everything that the collective consciousness is rising as well as shifting, Times are changing rapidly – Masks are blast away & the Abundace of the new birthed Child in all of us is ready to be harvested. So therefore it’s more important then ever to live out our fullest Potential in the most authentic way – on the individual & further more on the collective unified Path. If I can help & live out my weird loving Presence with other Brother & Sisters I believe this is awesome Joy/Medicine/Growth for everyone.


10- Can you become one part of the artistic/cultural movement for motivation in youth or new generation in your country and so than?

 . Oh YES – this is Part of my Mission & a major Intention why I am doing this. This ist he Reason why I re-incarneted so many Life Times to finally make this possible together with all the other brave Heroes out there. Ending the Fight of the Separation, the Duality of the Polarites to give Birth to this new Earth.


11- How is your relationship with nature?

. Nature is a Part of me & I am Part of Nature. So it’s like looking into a mirror when I look into nature. It’s like the my mother which offers the gifts, lessons & wisdom to her child needed for my journey as an cosmic soul in an earthly body. It’s my dark wild site/self. Mother I love u as much I love myselfe, much thanks to all what you are going through with us.


12- Can explain you about connecting of wisdom and ethics with spirit or soul?

. If a Being learned the language of the Soul & Spirit within everything - infinite Wisdom is available through using our Inner Tools needed to make Magic understandable. Wisdom like everything else is a Form of Energy, Frequency & Rensonance which is perceptible through getting your Channel on the right frequency, like a Radio or TV Signal. To get yourself on that Power Level you have to train & use the „Hero Tools“ which are the Emotions, the Focus of the Mind & rhythm of Life - the Breath. This will connect your wild earthly ego self with the soft cosmic soul self to be ready for the infinite wisdom/gifts prepared for your embodied soul mission.


13-Is the origin of the intellect-wisdom the soul or the body, or both?

. It’s in the embodied Soul, the Union/MoHi between Body/Mo & Soul/Hi, the living Wisdom of the female & masuline expressed through our Trinity/Being. The Body or I call it the earthly self without trusting/integrating the soul/cosmic self is destructive cause it’s to attached to the mind matrix. It’s the unregulated chaos of the Dualities. These golden Dance of the Polarities are of most importance to gain acess to the greater Wisdom & Truth.


14- What is connecting between wisdom, ethics with spiritualist method?

. The Wholeness of the Trinity between Ethic, Spirutuality & Wisdom is the Connection. All are being dependant on each other to work properly according the Law of One. If there is one missing the others are destructed. Ethic is more the Mind/Ego the worker, Wisdom is the Soul the receiver & Spirituality the Spirit in everything the Essence all is built up on..


15-What is Wumanity?

. WUMANITY should become a wild loving Family of Humanity. Where WUMAN Beings work together in multi dimensional Hero Teams to express the WUM Power trough their Super Powers.The Goal is to help to co-create the Age of Aquarius/Golden Age through new Events, Missions, Rituals, Parties & the Channel. There we are receiving, manifesting & expressing the Magic of this Age through our activated Hero Presence & unified Power out of the Moment. The Hero Tools & Co-Creative Channeling Technique helps us to get fully On-line on the Web of Internet as well the Web of Consciousness. The Prelude Event happend One week ago on the HeroesDay and was awesome. Different downloads, symbols, teachings, etc from the last 6 months are integrated in this Concept. Many more information you can find on facebook: channel of wumanity.


16- How can you help our world become a better place to live?

. Through fully trust & choose the Purpose why I am here for. In bringing Earthlings together to re-activate their Hero Presence, to show them how to get use of their Super Powers & creating Islands of Light/Natural Highs to manifest the Magic of the new Age on Earth.


17- Have you more word to say or suggest for our readers?

. I know that these times are really rough in getting prepared for the Birth of the new World Soul as well as the new Child in us. But as Azad & many more out there are doing really great Service which gives the strength to go through this final dying process together. Where it’s necessary to support each other is the Key to emerge into this unknowing wild loving Age lasting for the next 5000 years. Together we are fucking strong, together we will rock it through all Layers of Consciousness. I love u hard working Brothers & Sister out there – and never forget you are not alone we are all here for you.





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