ما 1716 مهمان و بدون عضو آنلاین داریم

By: Azad Karimi

I have an eye for visual beauty for I worked in the field of fashion modeling for about 7 years and started to take photographs myself as I was living in New York trying to be a young artist. Later I transformed this into an abstract form of art through the spirit of fire and fire keeping.



German Showmaster& Yoga Teacher Berthold Rothas

By Azad Karimi


My interview with Bertold is one of the longest I have done this year but in fairness, it is a beautiful interview and I would like dear readers to read it carefully.

This young German has an active mind and a passionate spirit ... When you read his sentences, you enjoy the depth of his consciousness ... because he uses life and its moments and uses his body and soul to discover the roots of knowledge and wisdom. Incidentally, I think he has gained a great deal of knowledge from the past that many who claim to be wiser than everyone else have not yet been able to attain to a speck of this great treasure of knowledge.

When he says about the fire and its identity and that it has been his source of inspiration, I enjoy it very much because I come from a land known as Ayranuja (the land of the sacred fire of the East) and Khureni Kimab (Golden Dawn) ...

This ancient land is the birthplace of Mithraism. Mithre is the guardian of the sun's rays and its manifestation is in the form of a peacock. The servants of this religion were known as Mokaan(Magi)s who were astronomers and according to the division of duties, some of them were the guardians of the sacred fires that were lit in the temples. Some of them followed the wisdom and became known as Gawr, they lived in nature and lived a very simple life. They saw urban life as polluting the soul and body.


One of these Gawrs was called Darwaz(The opened door) and he is mentioned in the Gathe(Final destination)book written in the Kurdish language of the early centuries AD is called Zartush Tawspian(summer Sirius star). Zartush Tawspian is a famous star that appears in the sky on the night of the forty-fifth of summer, the sixth of August. The appearance of this star means the birth of the rain god Tarutush, and it is interesting here that at the peak of summer heat, nature changes and it rains... This phenomenon is known in modern Kurdish as Galaawej- Kawtn or the appearance of the Galaawej or Sirius star.

All this is human science and experience in a part of the world ... but it is surprising that during the last 1400 years that Islam has emerged, Mithraism, this ancient religion, full of knowledge, intellect, awareness, and enlightenment, has always faced oppression and repression ... ... Islam, which is the religion of submission, silence, and slavery of human will, has arisen with an unbelievable enmity with this religion. Islam, the religion of submission, silence, and human slavery was used by Muslim rulers with incredible hostility against Mithraism.

Mithraism is the religion of wisdom and knowledge and the discovery of the reservoirs and secrets of nature and inner energy and the relationship between man and nature and the supernatural. If Buddhism and Hinduism were in Mesopotamia, they would have been destroyed by the Muslims of the early centuries, or the followers of these religions would have resorted to esoteric methods to protect themselves, such as the Kurdish Yarsanis and the Kurdish Ezidis and they kept the secrets of their religion.

 I advise those who are interested in Mithraism to study the thoughts of Bertold and his like-minded people without any worries because their philosophical and intellectual school has a unique resemblance to the teachings of this ancient religion.

Anyway, I am saddened by one thing, and that is the shedding of the blood of thousands of innocent people who have been killed by the sword of Islamists from the beginning to the present day in the Middle East to spread their ideology and at the same time, this ideology offers no plan for the happiness, well-being and peace of human beings and it can't even bear to be asked why you have no answer? because the claimants of this religion respond immediately because God says! and when you ask the claimant to bring evidence to prove his claim, he immediately pulls out his sword and intimidates, or bothers, or kills you with it!

I am glad that Bertold did not live in Babylon in 700 AD because Hajjaj Yusuf, the ruler of that region, punished him because he hated the Mithraists or the Magis. History considers Hajjaj Yusuf the killer of twenty thousand people ...

After all, I do not judge history because many things that have happened in the past have been lost in the darkness of oblivion, and what we do know is that something went wrong in the past. Because the results and effects of this mistake in this period that we are witnessing, bother humanity ... Terrorism and extremism are the results of the mistakes of the past, and I hope that the thoughts and character of people like Bertold will make the world better, more beautiful and safer for us.

I wish my dear friend Bertold happiness and success.


Thank you!




1- Please present yourself (Name, education, Civil status and...)

. Berthold Rothas, mostly self-educated through extensive traveling and life experience.


2-What is your artistic specialize?

. I have an eye for visual beauty for I worked in the field of fashion modeling for about 7 years and started to take photographs myself as I was living in New York trying to be a young artist. Later I transformed this into an abstract form of art through the spirit of fire and fire keeping.


3- When and how did you become interested in this field?

. It was in Guatemala when I was in a deep quest for the meaning of life and I found a profound connection with the fire as my guide and connection to spirit to make sense of this reality and my place in it.


4- Who was your motivator?

. There is no who really. It just is. When you are in a process of awakening your spiritual powers and break free from all mental and physical limitations you start to question every bit of your very existence on this planet and there is no one motivator necessary. It is all coming from within. But for sure the soul tribe that synchronistically manifested around me gave me extra motivation to find my calling and really going for it.


5- What was your parent’s reaction?

.My parents were shocked, because as I came back to visit something had changed within me, yet I was and still am a work in progress, so all these intuitions about living with the fire and becoming a guardian for the earth didn't really resonate with them and they told me that I should stop dreaming and it's finally time to get back to society and get a job.


6- When started you such as Traveler, Firekeeper, Yoga teacher?

.After some years of modeling living mostly in big cities being moved around by agents and always another modeling job or fashion week I sensed it was time to move on my own accord and at my own pace through this reality and open a new chapter in my life. At this time I felt really inspired by the book The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho I started to travel with a backpack and followed the flow and tried to pay attention to the signs of the universe.


7- You are a Firekeeper... This is a dangerous job, what motivated you not to be afraid of danger and chose to fight the fire?

. I don't fight the fire as a firekeeper. I honor it and hold a deep sensual relationship with it and make sure that it burns well. It is dangerous in the sense that the fire is very seductive and it transforms your whole being. Once you get in touch with it you completely lose yourself and you cannot pretend to be the same person anymore. So in a sense, it showed me my own mastery and who I really am, in another way I don't really fit anywhere else and I can't be bothered to pretend that I am here to please the expectations of others.


8- You are a co-founder of a community in Guatemala, I am eager to read about it. please explain to us!

. .Yea, in this time I was on a deep quest of who I am and wanted to know if magic truly exists, and even though I never expressed these thoughts to anyone, if you hold them in your heart, the universe has its ways to put you right on track when it is your time. So in this time, I was making my kundalini yoga teacher training in Guatemala as preparation for what to do next in my life after 3 years of traveling around. I just turned 28 in this time and Saturn's return brought me back full circle with a pocket full of new dreams on the horizon and a pack of karma to unwind in order to weave it all together. Embedded in friendship, trust, betrayal, mastery, foolishness, love, resentment, and true magic and connection to spirit I was presented with quite a process to undertake and we were given a fairytale castle in the mountains of Lake Atitlan to make a dream come alive that was passed on to us by the world-famous artist Nan Cuz, the grandmother of my dear cosmic pirate friend Zenon.


9-Please tell us: What is the Life Coaching? Motivation and Inspiration?

What is your role in these phenomena? 

 .I understand that I hold a key position for many in this game called life and the more I manage to stay in my own center and radiate light the more everyone that is close to me is also able to do so. It goes on like a ripple effect. So the last years I really had to digest a lot and the fire was my best companion, my greatest teacher to help me transform and get back on track with a clear mind and pure intentions.

I am not saying that my process is finished and that I am the new Guru, yet I feel after some time of karmic resolution and deep reflection and meditative contemplation energy and inspiration is returning back to me and I am ready to share and step into an ever new chapter of my life with absolute confidence.

What I understood in the last years is that in this life we should give it all we have and only then if we are lucky and the gods are on our side do we manage to create higher connectivity and beauty and life will be worth more than before.

For that, we shall not hold onto anything. All are in constant transformation and life is challenging you to make your absolute highest choice, alchemize the shadow of your past and take what you've learned, and use it elsewhere for your own good and the good of all.


10- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as a Life coach?

.I am an undercover life coach. Many have received my wisdom through my yoga teaching or fire keeping or simply just friendship, yet I never really ask anything in return . Only when we are useful to others can we be truly happy.


11- How you see your activities worldview in future?

.I think life has big plans for me that's why I mostly try to enjoy the simplicity of just breathing and sharing good company, yet I can sense this crazy world unsettles by the minute and will need an army of people who are not afraid to stand up for what it means to be human and know how to take inspiring action.

12- Can you become one part of the cultural movement for motivation in youth or new generation in your country and so than?

.Yes I think life will have in stock for me to be a kind of leadership role for the young as it seems the new generations won't be as lucky as me in terms of travel with vaccination passports on the horizon to truly experience freedom, the nature of reality and insight into their own soul.


13- How is your relationship with nature, with human and soul-psychology?

.I am still in process of deep, deep healing through nature and the elements of Pacha mama. Healing and relationship need to take place on so many levels and understanding this is key for everyone in this life . Everyone who is here is in need of healing . And it is so multifacetted that it is hard to put it into words . This world is deeply traumatized on so many levels and if we cannot rise above and truly heal our wounds of ego attachment, success, heartbreak and meaningful relationship we will not make it a better place . We simply can't, as we are only able to give to the world what we have resolved within ourselves in the first place . No great people, no great nation, no great society. So everyone needs to really look at themselves with absolute honesty as we have this responsibility on our shoulders as we are the creators of the world.


14- Can you explain about connecting of body and soul, psycho and motivation?

.Body and soul are immediately intertwined. That is the art of yoga. Through physical movement and breath, awareness creates a bridge to open and align the chakras in the spirit realm.

The body is always limited. The spirit is limitless. If you can reach the awareness of limitless potential within the physical body that is mastery of yoga.

The psyche and the mind are something else. It always wanders. Fluctuating like a clock. Sometimes excited, sometimes depressed and bored. I recommend just practicing mindfulness which I would call the art of nothingness. That is that you accept all states and stages of your mind. When you feel dull, bored, insecure, stupid, childish ... accept it. Don't try to change a thing. Just focus on awareness itself and see how life will take you through many wondrous clouds of unimaginable highs and lows.


15-Is the origin of the intellect-wisdom the soul or the body, or both? talent or experience or both?

.Origin is always soul. The body is just mere memory. It stores all information of all experiences you've had in this life so far. True inspiration always comes from higher spheres and that is truly out of your control as of when your spirit decides to move you into a new plateau.

Talent comes from past life experience. So in that sense talent is an experience that you already acquired and is mastered and easily available for you. All we really have in this life is mere perception and experience between self and other.


16- What is connecting between wisdom, ethics with spiritualist method?

.Wisdom is a deep inner knowing. It is untouchable. It is like a fruit that has ripened. Ethics is righteousness. To live by good means. The spiritual method is the way to get there because not everything that shines is gold and we certainly have impure thoughts and actions to spiritually refine.

So spiritual method I would say is becoming aware of oneself the good and the bad. Ethics is a clear evaluation of where one stands from where one wants to go. And wisdom will take place when one has arrived at a certain distance from the starting point.


17- How can you help our world become a better place for living?

.Like I said, simply by working and becoming aware of myself in the first place and then continually opening myself up to the process of life, friendship, love surrender, magic and hope .


18- Have you more word to say or suggest for our readers?

.No, that was a long-ass interview. Thank you for the inspiring questions and the trust that I find intellectually adequate heart mind and spirit connected answers as a channel of the divine.

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