By: Azad Karimi

We are living in a New Era: the music field is changing rapidly, the distribution is different, we have many possibilities and new obstacles. you can hear so much music from all over the world, there is something new every day, that can be confusing for a young student!




Italian Bass Player,Arranger and Educator Alessio Renda

By Azad Karimi


I like to write about two topics that are interesting. Before that, I have to clarify one thing. As I said before, ignorance is relative. That is, in whom does it occur? That is, the extent of the consequences imposed on society by the ignorance of a ruler is the same as the ignorance of an infant? Is an adult's ignorance about a subject among hundreds of subjects relative or absolute? Does he not know or does he ask to don't know? If he does not know, there will be someone who knows and helps him to know. If he does not want to know, then the wise can not help him. Because that person deliberately does not want to be responsible for that issue. He doesn't want to get help. In Iran, from the time of Reza Shah Pahlavi, a false and baseless phenomenon called Pan-Iranianism appeared and in the time of Mohammad Reza Shah, his son, Pan-Persianism and great civilization appeared. But in the end, they were the guardians of the Shiite religion, and that's it. Their madness of jealousy and hatred of ancient peoples such as the Kurds, the Hebrews, the Syriac, and the Greeks led them into the dirtiest kind of racism. Of course, Armenians were respected as long as there were no religious issues. Of course, this was due to competition with the Ottomans. Like what the Ottomans pretended to be friends with the Jews versus the Europeans. It is interesting that they always say bad things about Herodotus. Because he wrote about the Persians two thousand three hundred years ago: They show their friendship as long as they are weak, but they are dangerous enemies when they feel strong. I have already written that they have expressed their enmity with the Kurds, Jews, and Greeks in their magazines and history books. In the book of Karnamaki Ardeshir Babakan, he writes about the Shaara Zur in Kurdistan and that he marched there to destroy them. or what atrocities Nawshirwaan Sasanid did in Kermanshah against the SaanKhaas, the Manichaean spiritual leader of Kurdish people. They translate and exploit the Avesta without knowledge and awareness about its language, while the Zoroastrians live in extreme hardship, persecution, and discrimination. At UNESCO, they present the cultural heritage of the Kurds, which is crystallized in ancient Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, and Mandaeanism, while they have no knowledge of these works because they do not belong to their culture. They have manipulated on literary and historical  books, including the poems of Baba Taher Aryan, a Yarsani mystic. The Yarsanis are the remnants of Manichaeism. Prophet Mani was killed in the second century AD by Sassanid Shapur. Mani is called Zndg or alive, which means eternal, and his words were also called Zandiwa, which means good news. His followers were called esoteric. That is, introverted and secretive. His title is 'Oryan or means naked and obvious. His poems are about the manifestation of truth. This is contrary to Islamic teachings, which introduce God as formless and unique. Babataher is from Hamedan, the land of the tongue of Maad, that is, Ago-Watan. It has been mistakenly translated as Hangomatan, the castle of the  Medes. This is a mistake. His poems are written in eloquent Kurdish, Paaluyi. Most of his poems have become the heart of nature and its words have been changed. In Hamedan, there is a place called Shidalah or Shadala, which is called Shid Abdullah. Daadashrra means the witness, who is the Ized of testimony in the Mithraic religion. What has this got to do with Islam?

BabaTaher’s nickname is Weryan. The kurds says to Sheep fleece: Khuri , Hri and Wari and says to Goat flees Bouzou. The people who prepared the goats were known as Bushi, and the ones who prepared the sheep were (Wari or Huri, Hri), but the one who combed and analyzed their wool was called Shiiyar, Shidar shukhyar, Khushyar or Shikaar, Seth or Hallaj were famous. So Wari, Yari, Warian or Khurian means the one who analyzes. That is, he explains the secrets of creation. He is a mystic. But Islam does not allow Muslims to think much about God. The Qur'an says to surrender and act like what is stated in the book of the Qur'an. Therefore, only the followers of the wisdom of the Ziudsudra Shuruppak Gewbare enter the category. Warian was Zandik or the writer and all the thinkers, philosophers, and thinkers of Kurdistan in the early Islamic centuries were killed by the Turkish rulers who were the servants of the Muslim Arabs. They were accusing the Kurdish scientists of Zandik. It meant to be author!

Baawaa Tahir is called Baawa that means Maawat or the earthly manifestation of the Maad. Throughout Kurdistan, from Saqez to Sanandaj, Kermanshah, Hamedan, Krnd, Ilam, Mandali, Khanaqin, and Kirkuk, we have many holy places called Baawa. Such as Baawa Yadgar, Baawa Tahir, Baawa Malka, Baawarez, Baawa Gurrgurr. Baawa is the manifestation of clear heavenly forces on earth. It means the manifestation of God the Creator. Forging and manipulating old books in Iran has a long history. For example, the rabbit has been translated as a three-legged donkey. Great God! what is rationality they resort to?

Frankly, the Persians of India do not know the meaning of Avesta correctly. Because this book is written in the Kurdish language of Hurri and in the Syriac alphabet. Current Avesta commentators translate this book into modern Persian based on Avesta translations into European languages ​​... Both European and modern Persian translators have the least knowledge of this book. They still do not know what tree Khaoma is? They translate Karospa into the three-legged donkey that I always laugh at.  karospa means karwesha or rabbit. In no dialect of Persian do we have a word like it and they never laugh at their ignorance. They laugh very insidiously at others, while they lived in the arid plains and distant deserts, and their lands were the exile of the condemned of the Maad(Medes) people. I talked about Hamedan. This city became the capital in the time of Darius because there were vast plains for horse breeding. All over Hamedan and Beston, the winter capital of Dariush, had vast pastures for horse breeding.

 In Agumatan(Hamadan), or the land of the orators, on which the tongue of the sacred bull of the sacrifice of the Maad's rests, they called the wise : Khomardi that mentioned in the Bible as Mordechai. Khomards were the people who made wine and Khaoma, which was the sacred wine of the Mithra or Maad. They were very trusted by the king. Daniel the prophet was also a khomard and very trusted by the king. Hence, the Khomards or Khomdaars were hated by the minister or the corpsmen or Queen. Of course, if they accompanied them, they would be less harassed. But the job was very risky. The queen's palace was known as Shushan Khwaaze, meaning the chosen lily. The queen held the position of Washti or Maawashti. That is the white Spinel that is the wife of the first human being- King: Yam in Kurdish culture. Seti, Vasti, and Asti mean lady. Even the ancient and religious story of Zvi and Dinawar, known as Vis and Ramin, is reminiscent of this name and position. Hadassah or Khatuza is a Jewish girl who, with the help of Khomaard, becomes the wife of King Woshayar. His name is mentioned in the Torah as Esther, meaning that Ijar is one of the attributes of the Izad Khatuza in ancient Kurdish culture. There is a lot of controversy in Iran over this issue and they try to make this story a myth because they think it is against Pan-Persianism. While this story has nothing to do with the land of Persia and takes place in Kurdistan, Khaman, who is the negative character of this story, is one of the people of Avaj, who was known as Khamma or Gamaa at that time. This land was part of the land of ancient Kurdistan and Suhrawardi, who was a great esoteric mystic, is also from this region. Panpersian- Shi'as insist that he was a Shiite(Shi’a) and has been killed by the son of Sultan Salahadin Ayoubi because he was a Shiite. This is also an internal issue among the Kurds. Because Suhrawardi and Ayoubi are both Kurds and their beliefs were one Sunni and the other Baateni(Esoteric). For this reason, they had an ideological conflict with each other. This issue has nothing to do with Shiite religion or Pan-Persians. Regarding the Khaoma tree, I must say that this tree is known to us as Bismila. Bismila means cultivation and purification. Regarding the Khauma tree, I must say that this tree is known to us as Bismila. It means sacrifice. Of course, it has nothing to do with the Arabic word Bismillah.Khuma or Khauma tree has been sacrificed and his mourning ceremonyfor him on December 26th means the murder of Yam that took place in this tree. Drinking Khaoma was a sign of acceptance in the difficult and complicated exams to join the Khumaardian profession. They were the servants of the sacred tree of Khaoma. They were called Baazian. They represented the JaaduBaaz,or Pebaazaan whose manifestation is in the sky of the star Beta Aquilae. They lived in Baaz fort on the mountain of immortal life water. They were also known as Qrtar or Qrra because they were responsible for the slaughter of the cow.

This tree is also known as Kaner in Kurdish culture is crystallized in kurdish songs. What is the sin of the Kurds that they are more ancient, more stable, more dynamic, more tolerant-flexible, and braver? Why should they be jealous? Why did their ancestors accept the religion, language, and customs of others to save their lives? but the Kurdish ancestors did not accept the culture of foreigners and left a rich and stable language, clothes, culture, oral and written literature, and beautiful ceremonies for their nation. We never insist on imposing ourselves on others under stupid excuses such as jihad and racial and cultural superiority because we have everything. We have a good morality that we respect others because our fathers and mothers were wise and prudent. They were brave and patient and knew both aesthetics and culture. These are blessings. Should we be killed, exiled, and imprisoned for these gifts? In the past few days in Iran, the story of saying the word "shepherd" to a Kurdish researcher made headlines on Iranian television. The culture of shepherding or Chaldeani or Kaltuyi or Khurtani or Kaarduki is derived from the competence of this nation in raising livestock and poultry. They have learned to be self-sufficient and to work and to think about nature and God and philosophy and morality and justice and to produce a healthy, strong, brave, and wise generation. Our prophets are all shepherds: Shuipa (Yetron-Jethro), Abraham and his family, Zarathustra, Lot, Job, Nahor, Idris, Seth, Noah. Elias Khdr( Elijah) is also alive who saved the animal generation from the storm. Even the souls of living beings belong to the white cow of the Maad. It shows the great and kind spirit of the Kurdish nation but today, shameful videos of Iranian people are being published in cyberspace: T cut off a donkey's ear, or tie a dog with a rope and drag it after a car, or drag a baby bear with a stone in front of its mother's eyes, or burn cats.

The Kurdish people do not beat travelers and tourists and do not take their guests hostage to get big money. The Kurdish people prefer cooperation and friendship to espionage and conspiracy, and they stand on both sides of the border of darkness and light, and like Persian culture, they are not on the edge of darkness to hide in the dark, depending on the circumstances and interests. Kurds do not enter the international organs and organizations like the evil spirit to turn the facts upside down. They did not steal Nowroz. While the Kurdish Nowroz is on the first day of winter and the spring festival is known as Sur or Kosa Festival. I am writing and publishing this because I have closed the way for robber to steal or forge it. In the name of God, the Creator of the world, and Jesus Christ.

I wish my dear friend Alessio all the best. He is a talented artist.I admire him.



Thank you!



1- Please present yourself : ( Name, education, Civil status and...)

. Alessio Renda 27 year, graduated in Bass guitar


2-What is your artistic specialize?

. I'm a musician, a bass player, and a music teacher.


3- When and how did you become interested in this field of art?

. I was 12 year, the interest in music came from nowhere, I'm not coming from a family interested in music!


4- Who was your motivator?

. My Grandpa, he was the first one believing in me, he understood I was really interested in music and bought me my first guitar (i switched to bass 2 years later).


5- What was your parent’s reaction?

 . My parents always supported me during my studies


6- When started you such as a professional artist-musician?

. When I finished High school I moved to Rome and studied hard trying to learn as much as possible from my teachers


7- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as a musician?

. I'm always thankful because of my activities, not so happy when I see my wallet...


8- How you see the view? Music , Orchestration, art and culture?

. We are living in a New Era: the music field is changing rapidly, the distribution is different, we have many possibilities and new obstacles. you can hear so much music from all over the world, there is something new every day, that can be confusing for a young student!

9- Can you become one part of the cultural movement for motivation in youth or new generation in your country and so than?

. I can try!

10- How can you help our world become a better place to live?

. Being a nice person before a musician and a teacher, that's underrated!.

11- Have you more word to say or suggest for our readers?

. Yes, believe in yourself and your passions! Hard work is the key, talent is overrated!



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