ما 845 مهمان و بدون عضو آنلاین داریم


By: Azad Karimi

I have a huge respect to nature! And I know that if we like human race don’t stop destruction of it in this shape and form then we are doomed!


Interview with Serbian Blogger
Mladen Milanovic
By: Azad Karimi

Mladen is a gift from heaven because of his humor. He has ,always, many jokes in his pockets!
He is a Serbian talented guy; you will read more about him.
Serbia is a old country in Balkan area in Europe. I have seen there but It was short, I couldn't visit Belgrade.
We know “The name of this country is equal to the words partisan, wine and beautiful girls".
Mladen is young, full hope, full energy and fresh.

He knows the soul of life, He understand meaning of Existence... That is the mystery of his success.
He is one part of nature, community, relationship, Friendship and living process.
I believe the universe needs people like him.
I wish him a long life with good health, happiness,

success and love...
Azad Karimi, Vestland ,Norway

1. Please present yourself ( Name, education, Civil status and...)

Mladen Milanovic, edu - gymnasium, electronic university - not finished yet, not married yet

2- What is your artistic specialize?
Don’t thing! I have any that is measurable and that is one specific. Probably my talent to search and look for details,
to improve working process, to learn, that things lead me to see world in artistic/ abstract way. And not just trough numbers, statistic, geometry, definitions etc..
For now I do part time job and my responsibilities are all about casting figurines.
Those are used for playing war hammer and other board games.


3- When and how did you become interested in this field of art?
Probably since my childhood when I always ask question how they make it. What does it
take to make such a good toy! Look at Lego bricks! Why they are so much better that cheep ones? How those little cars
and other "wheel things” are rolling so easy and grab all hair from carpet in wheel shaft.
How "elf's" paint them so precise and how "little dwarfs" under the little winding car’s hood make them go.
I ask it while I was playing with them. Now, in this old age, I know that I don’t know! I know just basic and how exactly manufacturing process goes who knows! Hehe ..

4- Who was your motivator?
My childhood me! Silly thinking from that period still hunting me. with knowledge of grown up man we can find "big " answers for big/ silly questions or quests when we was young.


5- What was your parent’s reaction?
Reactions were always in same direction and area. Demonization, not supporting anything that I do specially things that are tech or education related. So all of their reaction is constant through time, not something that is impulsive just one time and then gets over with it. They just project their own unhappiness or un knowledge toward me or my brother.


6- When started you such as a professional artist?
Never! Ha-ha because I don’t think that my talents/ work are in that sphere. My work is around technical process for making casting of exist models. I was not in art school so I cannot say.
what art is and what is not. I am not educated in that direction so because of that I can give just my opinions that can't be so relevant.
Any way my opinion is that all form of jobs can be upgraded on that lvl that can become art! That you can stream and upgrade your skills so that become art.
And whatever you do if you give 100% is not enough! When you improve and make it better, different, make old concept new, improve time of task and skill it up etc. that is
100 + % and that is miracle of human intelligence! That is art.
Second thing that I do is about making and designing websites for clients. Those also drain a lot of energy when I have project on schedule. Making and designing new thing
(especially from ground 0). Those things are presentation. Is that sort of art ? I don’t know, but can be I guess!
Third thing that I do from my childhood till now is martial arts. Never think of them as a form of art but they probably are living physically active life and taking care
of your body is "happy thing" to do, I will say Expressing yourself in that form also help me a lot to think straight, keep healthy, avoid negative situation, have always uninterrupted good sleep.
Forth form of art, I will say that it is, is e- sports / gaming. You can play it for fun, or casually. But also you can push your limits and compete with others! Like chess, like game of Go.
Isn’t that art? Creating something new, Make new move and new tactic. Isn’t that something like martial arts but with mind? Isn’t that mind games that we gamers need to do with our opponent
make as creative and make mark on our play style? I think it is!! Games of my life that i spent hours of relaxing after training or after school are : Star Craft: brood war, Star craft 2, Dote, Sid Meier's civilization
I was competing in star craft games, and date is casual, for fun.
Best achievements for me was in SC2 leader board for 2x2 was 1 year constantly top 5 on Eu server.
I can strongly suggest for all young people now to do both things! Some physical training, any type, and some mental “training" with games. Only both keeps you healthy completely, and agile in mind and body.
One will suffer without other.


7- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as an artist?
Yes I am. It give me something to do with my brain I think "brain activities" on daily basis
are essential for happy and healthy life. Mental swift tending I will say.


8- I would like to know more about your education, I have heard you are a website designer and blogger too. Please tell us about that...
I am just blogging for my taekwondo club nothing special.
But I am willing to create for potential client’s good blogging scheme (schema) that they can use to create and write their own content or in corporation with me.
About education like I say before my official education is just high school , Never try to take bachelor degree from my faculty for computer and informatics science. Simply never have support
and was really hard to find job to fineness me in that age and period of time that my country goes through. My primer source of money actually was classes that I do privately with kids that need help in their elementary schools. My specialty was mathematic and all of it derivates like physics or chemistry. So I teach that also.
Back in time when I was in elementary school I was really talented for those subjects and always have best marks. I was participating in competitions for math and physics. At the end of my elementary schooling
I was awarded as the best student in the field of natural sciences in my school. Some sort of best in generation. Probably that’s why I see world in a different way from others. Back then and now.


9- How you see the view?
View on what? If it’s about my life I see it positive, fulfil on much aspects and ways. I feel fulfil socially and internally. If its view on things around me again

I am on positive side always and side of science. Technique and technology, scientific theory and engineering keep our human race in progress. Pretty sure nothing else! Also I know, like many others,
that sic and tech, mass production, burning fossil fuels make "wheel " of progress going, research, progress in sci and teck also! That is some negative that we get from a lot of positive. Can we fix it? My
thinking goes this way:
science and tech is only thing that will find way against science and tech So it will improve it for better and negate negative effect (pollution, global warming, species extinction, more greener and energy
green world). Like in 1st of my statement as my conclusion is also NOTHING else!


10- Can you become one part of the artistic movement for motivation in youth or new generation in your country and so than? I don’t think that I am such a charismatic man that can lead some movement and deal with a lot of people. And like I say I see world in artistic and abstract way but I know that I am not educated in that field so I can not promote it


11- How is your relationship with nature? I have a huge respect to nature! And i know that if we like human race don’t stop destruction of it in this shape and form then we are doomed! Mb cold war is over and all potential self destruction with it, but we neglect war that we do with nature. That is what i am not happy about, but always will try to protect nature and enjoy in it.

12- How can you help our world become a better place to live?
I don’t think I can, and I can prove it mathematically. Let’s say we need to vote for better future. And "we" are nation of 1 000 000 people. Whatever question is on that voting page I

can then influence outcome with 1 / 1 000 000. So I alone am kind of nothing.

I want to cite one of the Greek philosophers about democracy. He says that to their parliament: Look at those 2 shepherds on that hill. Those 2 can outvote me - Socrates!

Make influence, change in culture, principle that more peaceful is better, freedom for people and free speech the point when they don’t do harm to society and don't influence negatively (based on lie or belief).
So I think I am not so much charismatic and influence type of guy So I can t do that I can do local things, small things that I think it will benefit. For example spreading knowledge,
teaching kids or others. Spreading positive thinking and mb more important "not turn the wheel of progress backwards". If we all stop doing harmful things and just stop/ control yourself,
recognize that we start doing something bad, that is so good ! We instantly can say: I do more good than evil so it's not just I do this and "this" is good, when you do many more negative things.
For example: "I run today 4 km! That is good, good for my health and I will get leaner and lose fat! I need now to eat well! “After that thinking and doing cardio I go and eat and drink 10 times more calories that I just burn from running. Then i do several things: Self deluding myself, eat unhealthy, can't control myself, justifying myself. Those are all bad things and only 1 good, running.
Just recognising the consequences and stop / control yourself of starting doing 1st negative thing will lead to NOT doing more negative things and pushing wheel of progress backwards.


13- I love your sweet jokes...If you want to; please tell us one of your sweet jokes...
Ok I will do 1 joke. Keep reading!


14- Have you more word to say or a suggestion for our readers?

- Yes I have! I can do blabbing all day long!! Who do you think I am!!
He He! I think i give many things to all who read this.

Best wishes and luck to all of you from dude who lived in 5 different countries and not move far from single point on earth

Quiz question then: What are those countries? Answer - those countries are:
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro, Republic Serbia and now Republic of Serbia with Kosovo ethnic and political problem.


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