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By: Azad Karimi

The artist’s work, in particular that of Actor, director offers the possibility of a notebook of real or fictional characters and of transmitting a message in joy or in pain with an omnipresent humidity.



French-Polish actor and Fitness trainer

 Karol Olejnik

By: Azad Karimi


You, my readers, will read more about Karol and his family biography from the interview I did with him but first let me tell you about leaving the homeland and cutting off all things and possessions.

This is a very difficult decision for those who are dissatisfied with the political and social conditions of their country.

In the early 1990s, the Cold War was at its height

The kingdoms of Afghanistan and Iran had collapsed.

A Shiite Muslim cleric had come to power in Iran and surprised the world with his strange words.

He denounced bananas, pineapples, cinema, chess, backgammon, intellectuals, universities, and modern civilization. Thoughts killed many people around the world and forced some to flee from Iran. Western Europe witnessed widespread migration of Iranians, Kurds, and peoples of Eastern Europe. In 1980, generals staged a coup in Turkey, and many Kurds and Turks fled. The Solidarity Union was formed in Poland, and Lech was the protest leader of the anti-communist movement.

The Polish government, an ally of the Soviet Union, opposed the liberation movement. This opposition was accompanied by repression. Many Poles longed for freedom, fled to Western Europe.

Karol remembers that dark period and ... He says his father had a complex situation when he was a 6 years boy.

It is a long story that I wrote here. What I should say to him? But I could say : My Brother ! We are lucky  because we escaped from the hellish cage of tyranny and took refuge in democratic countries.


1- Please present yourself (Name, education, Civil status and...)

I was for 13 years in the railway police, at the same time I am a sports coach and an actor.

I come from a poor family of Polish immigrants who arrived in France in 1980


2-What is your artistic specialize?

I am an actor my brother Kamil Olejnik is a director.


3- When and how did you become interested in this field of art?

I have always been interested in the seventh art since the beginning, it was especially with my younger brother Kamil when we developed this passion for cinema. We took turns watching movies, muting and celebrating the characters.


4- Who was your motivator?

My personal motivator is Steven Spielberg.

5- What was your parent’s reaction?

But parents with too much work, too much debt and too many problems to be interested in our passion


6- When started you such as a professional artist?


I started filming at the age of 41 for my own role I want to direct my brother "the art of dodging"

It was, it seems to me, in 2015


7- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as an artist?

The artist’s work, in particular that of Actor, director offers the possibility of a notebook of real or fictional characters and of transmitting a message in joy or in pain with an omnipresent humidity.


8- How you see the view? Cinema future...

With the arrival of Netflix and modern platforms, but Cinema I think will never be the same again. But I will allow it I think you will give you the chance to many more people who remain in the shadows in spite of yourself.


9- Can you become one part of the artistic movement for motivation in youth or new generation in your country and so than?


10- How can you help our world become a better place to live?


11- I would like to know more about your political experiences, and how that impacted on your artistic activities , you come from Poland and we remember what happened in Poland in during the Soviet period ...

We are anyway my brother and I imbued with our personal history. You know my father was born in Jaffa in Palestine in 1943 because he was in the womb of his mother they fled in the ghetto of people. My father was born there and returned to Poland when he was six years old. History repeats itself as we fled our country and I was six years old...

It means somewhere my friend story for us is repeating itself, but we are just one example among many.



  1. You have a artist brother, he is director. Tell me about your projects and achievements.

With my brother Camille Alex Nico, we have just finished shooting and editing a medium-length "echo".


13- What are the criteria for a good film?

Find me a good movie, it's a movie that when finished thermostat the earth to think for a few hours a few days see a few months and plant a good seed in his head in his mind. Once again, the message is best to assimilate.

Here I think I answered the questions succinctly the questions I did not answer is that I did not get the translation. I remain my friend however very honored by your approach and if I can help in anything I am here.
Do not hesitate to come back to see me, you are a person I think there is a lived experience and who has a very particular trajectory, a bit like me.

In the meantime, I am sending you our latest short film, which obtained 50 selections around the world and obtained 10 awards

The last moments of a death row inmate, and his path to redemption:

I am sorry




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