ما 2017 مهمان و بدون عضو آنلاین داریم

By: Azad Karimi

I can say that in the society I live in, there are deep, interesting, diverse and full of dilemmas stories. And I think there is a huge future for stories in ultra-Orthodox Jewish society, and the way it deals with the world of the 21st century.



Avimi Art, Israeli painter

By Azad Karimi


One of the beauties of Judaism is the attention to art. For example, the Bible speaks in detail about making and decorating the ark of the covenantor else speaks in detail about the construction and decoration of the glorious Temple of Solomon.

Elsewhere, the Bible speaks of a court group led by Asaf and King David played the harp and played the daf.

Also in the lyric chapter of Solomon's lyric poems, we see the peak of love and compassion and literary aesthetics.
Jewish people on Saturdays go to the synagogue with the sound of trumpets.

Their fiction is also interesting, such as the story of Tobia, which takes place in ancient Kurdistan.

I said ancient Kurdistan... Kurdistan is the second Jewish homeland. They went to Kurdistan exactly in722 B.C

They wrote down The Talmoud, second holy book in Judaism, in Kurdistan.

I said Talmud... Ultra-Orthodox Jews have a special respect for the Talmud.

I interviewed a follower of Ultra-Orthodox Judaism which I would like you to read as well, it is very interesting and about his works, I say: He is an amazing artist.

I wish my lovely friend Mr.Abraham the best with his wife and children.



Thank you!



1- Please present yourself (Name, education, Civil status and...)
.My name is Abraham. I was born, and I live in Jerusalem, Israel. I grew up in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. I studied in religious institutions called "yeshivas." For many years we have been studying the Talmud. I was ordained as a rabbi.


2- What is your artistic specialize?
.I draw comics that are published in the community I live in. These comics have a unique atmosphere. Because children in the community are not exposed to video, internet, or comics from around the world, these comics carry the heavy burden of giving children entertainment and enjoyment. I also work as a storyteller, character designer and animator.


3- When and how did you become interested in this field of art?
.As a kid, I used to love comics. I read every comic I could get my hands on, and there weren't many of them ... I always drew on the margins of pages, at school, and also during my yeshiva studies. I’ve always been the joker, the one who draws cruel cartoons about situations that made me laugh. It was unusual, in the very serious landscape of studies. I have only recently converted from Talmudic studies, and I am concentrating on my painting career.


4- Who was your motivator?
.My wife pushes me. She understands that this is a very deep need in my mind, to tell a story. Being an illustrator and comic book artist is a very unusual status in the community I live in. And yet, I feel lucky to be able to make a living and engage in a field that I really love.


5- What was your parent’s reaction?
.They are very supportive, even if they do not always understand the humor and references. They would expect me to be a businessman, or a rabbi, but once they saw that I was serious about it, they were very supportive.


6- When started you such as a professional artist-painter?
.8 years ago ,One day I was studying, and in the process, I was drawing sketches on the page of the studies. A classmate saw this, and told me he had a friend of a friend looking for an illustrator. He took this page, showed it to him, and he hired me. I did not want so much at first, because I used to study all day, really, without interruptions. But something attracted me, and that's how I started.


7- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as an artist?
.In the society I live in, it's complex. On the one hand, the highest value is to be a very, very educated person. Especially in religious studies. An intelligent and smart person, who knows a lot, especially in religious studies, this is the highest level in society. And this tradition is ancient. So you feel connected to yourself, as well as to history, as you research the texts written so many years ago. On the other hand, my connection to storytelling is deep and very personal. So even today, I hold the rope on both sides, both studying Talmud, and also drawing and making myself laugh, with drawings about the society I live in, and in general. And yes, I'm very happy.


8- How you see the view for art, painting and future of culture?
.I do not really understand culture, in general. I can say that in the society I live in, there are deep, interesting, diverse and full of dilemmas stories. And I think there is a huge future for stories in ultra-Orthodox Jewish society, and the way it deals with the world of the 21st century.

9- Can you become one part of the artistic-cultural movement for motivation in youth or new generation in your country and so than?
.I'm not sure what that means. But among the younger generation here, in my community, there is a great thirst for comics, and storytelling ... For a variety of reasons. The development in this field has just begun, and it is really fascinating to see what it will be like.


10- How can you help our world become a better place to live?
.Storytelling can connect you instantly, to different cultures, and to different narratives. Sometimes, one can argue and quarrel, and not reach any agreement, because everyone is digging deep into their position. But sit around a campfire, and tell a story, and you have an instant connection. Accompany a character in his journey, in a good graphic novel, and you will be able to descend into the abysses of understanding in the soul of the other.


11- Have you more word to say or suggestion for our readers?
.Always look for the story. Even if you think you know everything about the other, there is always a good little story that can be a whole world.


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