By: Azad Karimi

I believe that if we all focused on being good, conscientious and educated people, we would have a better quality of life and fairer and more humane governments.



Mexican Interior designer

Goo Felisian


By Azad Karimi


Having a safe place to live is a basic need and when we are living a secure house, we feel to have basic tools for comfort in the home and arranging these items in the house has its own logic.

 For example we don't put TV on WC. Or we do not shower in the kitchen or we do not entertain guests in the bedroom or on the crib. The arrangement of household items, such as the way a person dresses, should be elegant and stylish.

In the twentieth century, the level of prosperity increased in different societies around the world, and people pursued prosperity and luxury, which was largely good.

Man, according to his financial ability, must be strict in the beauty of his appearance and that of his house.


But in everything moderation is necessary. Ok! Now we are moderate people and want to decorate our house. Who can help us that has the expertise and skills to do this? People like Goo Felisian, Interior designer.

I wish him all the best. Goo is a nice and helpful guy. Please take a look at his designs and enjoy.


Thank you!



  1. Please present yourself (Name, education, Civil status and...)

.Hi, I'm a Goo Felician with a degree in Marketing and Interior Design, I'm a solero and I really enjoy meeting friends and family listening to music and a good glass of wine.



  1. What is your specialize?

.For years I have dedicated 100% to visual merchandising for department stores in Mexico (Liverpool group) but my specialty is interior design. I identify and connect



  1. When and how did you become interested in this field of artistic work?

.Since I was a child I had the concern to appreciate architecture and design, but I discovered that everything in life has a soul, with time and in the study I discovered pioneers, famous and recognized. That helped strengthen my taste in visual arts and market research


4- Who was your motivator?

.Since I was young I was passionate about the work of Martin Lawrence* Bullard on the subject of interior design and architecture, the great Zaha hadid, other factors that influenced were time, life and society environments, the diversity of cultures and that passion by the spaces.



5- What was your parents’ reaction?

.My parents said it was crazy but still I have always received their support.


6- When started you such as a professional Interior Design?

. In 2015, after taking a long break to attend to other matters, I decided that it was time to go back to what I liked to do the most.


 7- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as artisan?

. It connects me with my inner self, it takes me out of my comfort zone and every day something new is learned in each project, in each space in each life.



8- How see you the view about your work-art?

It has been well accepted but we can always give a little more in the demanding world of perfection


9- Can you become one part of the cultural movement for motivation in youth or new generation in your country and so than?

.If you definitely always leave an inspiring mark is rewarding.


10- How can you help our world to become a better place for living?

. I believe that if we all focused on being good, conscientious and educated people, we would have a better quality of life and fairer and more humane governments.


11- Have you more word to say or suggest for our readers?

. Just be grateful for the space and thank you Living in difficult times and the strength we need to move forward is right within us, seeking and doing what you are passionate about and being free in a responsible way.

Finally, I say goodbye with this phrase from a great Mexican who says "Respect for the rights of others is peace."

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