ما 2915 مهمان و بدون عضو آنلاین داریم

By: Azad Karimi

It is important for the director before, during and after filming to be able to make a film himself, which would show it as profitably as possible in terms of representation.  The same debut film is always only the first stage up.




Ukrainian Cinema-art critic Alexander Sumarokov

By Azad Karimi


My dear friend Arthur from Ukraine is a rare phenomenon.Take a look at his words, each of them is a jewel. Gem of wisdom and with his genius and talent, he analyzes each of the issues around him and comes to a conclusion.

Many analysts are unprofessional because they get confused and lose the result. But a professional analyst realistically explains the truth of the matter and paves the way for conceiving a solution by presenting the result.

Look at the answer to the fifteenth question. I understand his feelings. He and I hate cultural and political monotony. Someone from another land comes and calls you a minority and looks down on you.

He changes the demographics of your land and destroys your farms and villages.

All this in its place, however, but it is the unforgivable guilt for those who ally themselves with the enemy and strike at the cultural roots of their nation.

Please read the interview. I’m sure you such as me will proud of Artur Somarokov.

I wish my dear friend Artur Somarokov a long life with happiness and success. I’m so sorry for losing his dear parents ,I pray my God give their soul peace and happiness.



Thank you!




1- Please present yourself: Name, education, Civil status and...

. My name is Artur Sumarokov (Alexander is my baptismal name). Live in Kherson, Ukraine. I'm single now. Work as freelance journalist, cinema and art-critic. 


2-What is your artistic speciality?

.I am engaged in contemporary drama, I have experience in performance art. There was another interesting experience: my good friend, conceptual photographer Stas Ostrous, made a photo project "ArtURL" with my participation, parts of my very first play were used there.  For me, this project became an opportunity to look at myself from the outside, and then I again became a model in an upcoming project that will comprehend the architecture of modernism in my hometown, including through physicality.


3- When and how did you become interested in this field of art?

. Rather, everything happened by chance.  In 2017, I had strong depression and decided to find something interesting for myself in my hometown.  After a very short time, I played in one of the performances of the local experimental theater laboratory Totem Centre Theatre Lab, for example. 


4- Who was your motivator?

.Me myself, no one else


 5- What was your parent’s reaction?

.Unfortunately, my parents are dead. But my relatives don't know what I'm doing. 


6- When did you become such a professional Cinema Critic?

.I wrote my first serious text about cinema in 2016.


7- You are art and film critic. Please tell us: Who is the Cinema Critic?

.For me, a film critic is, first of all, the person who deals with the most beautiful things in the world: watches many great movies and writes, subjectively, about it.  One way or another, this is always an analytics, a look inside the cinema and the author's optics.


 8- What are the serious challenges facing an artistic film:


I-In an industrial-artistic system:

.In the first case, we are always talking about the control of large studios over the director, who is often just an employee.  There is no question of any representation of one's own author's language.


II- And while making a film:

.It is important for the director before, during and after filming to be able to make a film himself, which would show it as profitably as possible in terms of representation.  The same debut film is always only the first stage up.


9- Why should we have an art and film critic?

. Any analytical and critical view is needed.  Simply, if there is no criticism, especially in the cultural sphere, there is no institutional assessment of the processes, art will drown in mediocrity. 



10- Why is art and film critics often viewed with pessimism?

. A critical view always presupposes a pessimistic perception of reality.  But I would not say that most critics are pessimists, realists who take a sober and sometimes harsh view of the world around them and key processes in cinema or contemporary art.  For me, this is not pessimism, this is an objective view.


11- What is the Film and criticism logic? What is the Cinema culture? What is their role in advancing the growing cultural demands of people around the world?

.The logic of the film, like that of any other audiovisual medium, is the logic of its creator, often extremely irrational and chaotic.  This is the logic of a dream, because any film is also a dream of its authors, reproduced on film in one form or another. The logic of criticism is rational.  The critic is engaged in a detailed analysis of what he saw, sometimes even archiving and cataloguing, Looking for a place in the history of cinema for new films or looking with a new look at the movie classics. Cinema culture isn't only a national, local and international film processes, not limited by topics, budgets, even meanings.  Cinema culture is both classic films that have become fundamental for the evolution of cinema, and new films with a language that has not always been developed yet. The role is enormous, because cinema is an essential and important part of modern mass culture.  Cinematography can shape our views on the world, instill in us certain stereotypes or, on the contrary, destroy them. 


12- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as actor and cinema-TV director?

.As actor I played in theatre. As cinema-TV director unfortunately I had no experience. 


13-What is your opinion about the material and spiritual support of the government for a film without interfering in the work of the film?

. Of course, there should be such support.  For me, this is a marker of the civilization of such a state.


14-You are a poet...Tell us about literary and poet. Who is a good film?

. A good film for me is one that I will never get tired of watching under any life circumstances.  In fact, this is a movie that personally can reconcile me with the outside world with all its horrors.  How you characterize a fantastic film? Science fiction is not synonymous with escapism, so I prefer that science fiction movie that talks about the future through the prism of the present and the past.


15- How do you see the view about art, culture, Cinema and Literature?

.I try not to share these mediums of art for myself.  For me, art, especially contemporary art, and cinema are multidisciplinary practices that, with rare exceptions, do not interact. 


16- Can you become one part of the cultural movement for motivation in youth or new generations in your country and so on?

. Of course, but I must be sure that such movements will not later become just an instrument for the implementation of alien political goals aimed at discrimination even more. 


17- How can you help our world become a better place to live?

.Don't hate another and to be better than I am now. 


18- Have you more words to say or suggest for our readers?

.Love yourself Love contemporary art and modern cinema Love yourself in art and cinema.

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