ما 4329 مهمان و بدون عضو آنلاین داریم

By: Azad Karimi

I hope this will bring a new lease of life for arts and culture and above all allow many projects to succeed more easily because for some time the situation was a little blocked, although the situation seemed to change from a few years and that it seems to be going for the best.



French Actor Sylvain Charbonneau

By Azad Karimi


Sylvain is busy because of new projects, I wish him the best. He has a lovely son and I pray to my Lord keep him and give him success and long life.

We have contact each other, so I prefer to write something about new events.

Unfortunately bad and evil terrorist hands in France killed a teacher yesterday evening.

My condolences to great people of France. We are sad and upset because of.

Islamic radicalism intends to continue its life by intimidating the civilized world and its allies in the Middle East.

They must be destroyed.


Thank you !



1- Please present yourself: Name, education, Civil status and...


2-What is your artistic specialize?

.We will say that it would be an actor

but exercise or have exercised several artistic disciplines translation ...Sometimes i work as an author or director translation, sometimes as a teacher (in theater and storytelling), I happen to be a painter & graphic designer but I also dragged my gaiters in music, singing, dance, photography, video, sculpture or art installations (...) And I had the great opportunity to can follow different artistic paths. It's a wealth that i feed on every day but still in the artistic world on the other hand but my main activity remains actor


3- When and how did you become interested in this field of art?

.I fall in when I was a child (like we said in France) I mean that I was 8 years old.

My mother registered me in an entered danse contest at the Opera of Paris, after a third round competition I entered in stage during 3 monthes and I became "Petit rat de l'opéra" 😉in September few monthes after. In the same time Rudolf Nourreev was appointed director of the same Opera de Paris. Then I did Tours with different Ballets and different shows in places like The Champs Elysées Theater, Opera of Marseille, few TV shows, ... it was then a question of integrating the Mahâbhârata Peter Brook Show (a fantastic theater director), but it was about a word tour starting in Asia, and because of my youngness a school tutor must have been attached to me, then my parents refused (I was ten)

In parallel i was starting the Higher National Conservatory for Music. And several singing Tours with "Les petits chanteurs du Val de Saône" and various companies

Then, from 12 to 15 years old, i joined a classical school. But we quickly realized that i was not fulfilled, i then joined an artistic High School in visual arts (paint, photo, video, construction, sculpture, History of art) up to be Bachelor in visual and plastic arts before returning to my first loves the scene, i then followed several acting trainings and schools (Cours Simon, F.A.C.T Formation Acting Cinema & Theater, ...) with a growing urge to confront the camera and sets.

Anyway, I think i have always leaves for and with the Arts, and this since my earliest childhood! ... I can't imagine life without arts. It founded my all life, and I never experienced anything else, well almost.


4- Who was your motivator?

.I had a lot, all along my road.

Like any child I think, I was dreaming in the sights of many artists that i discovered through shows, musical comedies, ballets, films, radio, concerts, ... Many people have been role models for me, in many different arts. Each also corresponded to the period that I lived. When I was a child, Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers, Audrey Hepburn, Maryline Monroe, Carry Grant, or Sean Connery made me dream!!! Charlie Chaplin too, i loved him. My father projects us his films on an old film projector (a rather funny anecdote, I received an interpretation aware for the character of Charlie Spencer Chaplin in the first Short Film in which I shot a few years later). I loved Music and singing too!! And then later, my artistic horizon widened, and opened up to other arts with artists like Picasso, Giacometti, Keith Harring, Hitchcock, Agatha Christie, Sartre or Dostoyevsky. But also, a bit later, Stanley Kubrick, Tarantino, the Cohen's brothers or Pedro Almodovar ...

After my motivation would surely be the contact with people, and the happiness to transmitting to others the world like I see it and I'm not given the chance to see maybe. Somethingessential for me is the human relationship, a need for human adventures, to exchange with the other. I believe it couldn't be otherwise


5- What was your parent’s reaction?

.As I explained to you above, when my mother saw (she don't had the chance to flourish in the Arts) his first child at this point turned around the Arts, she push my father to entered me in a ballet competition from there I never left Arts. She has always been my biggest fan, and could've been the best of my agents (joke)

For my father it was different but he never went against my envies and my choices, and over the course of my artistic adventures he has learned to be proud of me

I know i was very lucky on this side and that it was not the case for everyone.


6- When started you such as a professional artist-actor?

.Early, At 8 years and half, I received my firsts pay slips from different theaters, from the Opera of Paris and French television canals. It was rather confusing and at the same time exhilarating to be child and to receive your 1st pay slips. Then, after Artistic High school few years later, I started paints exhibitions, graphism, or artistic performances as professional. Then, as an actor or director from i'm 25 years old. When I start in this new artistic path I was completing 2 different acting schools and i was working at the same time as professional actor on stage i was playing in my first play "Barouf a Chioggia" by Carlo Goldoni, then the plays followed: "Britanicus" (Racine), "Le Cid" (Corneille), “Le Jeu de l’amour et du hazard” Marivaux, Molière, ... and little by little on sets, in front of the camera.


7- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as a Theatre actor?

.It was fantastic and necessary. Theater was essential in my approach to acting, and has given me a lot. But indeed, I stopped my theater actor activities when I became father and I miss it so much. Be a father is one of the most beautiful role that has been given to me, I preferred enjoy my son and not to waste these beautiful and important years! And I then dedicated myself to the image and voices industry (mainly for scheduling reasons than anything else) but also because it attracted me!

I played 2 to 3 plays per year. Then, from now 10 years I didn't played theater except pieces for young audience (adults more rarely) I wrote and that I staged sometimes, but also public readings of new plays and projects who until then, have not yet seen light of day.

Now that he's older, I can't wait to go back on stage to play, i'm starting to reconnect different directors at the moment, about it. I miss it a lot


8- How you see the view? About art, culture, cinema, fashion?

.The future you mean?

Really I don't know, the news is not really reassuring neither cheerful in France 😕 it becomes more and more difficult in arts and culture, and in the profession from 10 years I will said, but with this ubiquitous disease that is Covid-19, it's even more complicated. Anyway the French government is in the process of adopting an aid plain to Culture, Arts and Artists...

I hope this will bring a new lease of life for arts and culture and above all allow many projects to succeed more easily because for some time the situation was a little blocked, although the situation seemed to change from a few years and that it seems to be going for the best. I prefer to rely on this positive note of a certain renewal for 2 or 3 years. And I’m sure all this will be soon behind us, and that beautiful and superb projects will emerge.



9- Can you become one part of the cultural movement for motivation in youth or new generation in your country and so than?

.I certainly hope so! This is something very important for me. To try pass on what I have learned or what I learn every day, to others. I try to do it when I teach, I paint, I play or I stage.

These last years for example, I participated to interactive table-round too, that I also coordinated with different arts or culture groups. Interactive exchanges between invited speakers - which are a director/screenwriter/actor.ess/artistic agent/producer /casting director / broadcaster - and the public. Roundtable on our businesses, our place in this industry, the place of actors in this industry, and also intended for all young people who are starting out in the profession.

I try to do on my trade scale all what I can to transmit what I believe in, the themes and subjects that I support, that I defend, and in which I believe.


10- How can you help our world become a better place to live?

.By bringing sun, joy, and authenticity، I'm kidding but there is a beat of that anyway.

No, but more seriously, transmit hope, happiness, reflections sometimes too and any other feeling that's it! Try to make the other feel things too ... that it gives him an emotion! I think arts brought something essential to the human being. All Arts, whether it's words, colors, musical notes, pictures, videos... It provides emotions! The arts allow us to escape, to dream too, to embellish everyday life a little.

I believe it is important too, working on projects that deal with topics that we don't talk about, taboo, subjects that we hide, the injustices, !Also opening up Culture to youth, and even from an early age, and that it is affordable to all.


11- Have you more word to say or suggest for our readers?

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