ما 9114 مهمان و بدون عضو آنلاین داریم


By: Azad Karimi

I am very thankful and happy with my activities. Am the kind of person who like to meet people, to discover countries and share experiences. Art is a very introspective adventure but also a unique way of meeting various people and visions.


French Film-Photo-Sound Designer Chris Care

By Azad Karimi


I want to share a link. After eight hundred years, Saturn and Jupiter conjunction together. I heard that this happened also in the year of the birth of Jesus Christ.



The Gospel According to St. Matthew says about Jesus Christ biography: 

2:1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, Wise-men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, 2:2 Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we saw his star in the east, and are come to worship him. 2:3 

In the Western Christian church, they have all been regarded as saints and are commonly known as:

Melichior, Casper and Balthazar.

These names are Greek-Latin pronounce of these ancient Kurdish names: Mell-i-Char, Trkashe, and Paatir.

Wisemen in ancient times were the Gaawrs. The Gawrs or Gaawrs were followers of the immortal Khdr or Sudra sects of Mithraism were called Gomard. Gomardi was known by Gomurti, Gutimri, Chudimri, Gomardi, Gomari, Gimeri, Gewri, Zimeri and Kimeri and Kayumars.

Gawr, Gaawr, or Gomard is a wise man in ancient Kurdish culture. Gaawrs or Gomards were followers of Mar-Taws or Mell religion and they were students of Khdr- i -Zinda or Sudra or Elijah. They were ancient scientists because their specialty was wisdom, cognition, and philosophy.They lived in the land of the Holy East or Shuruppak, the Med. They were servants of God the Creator. They were the clergy of Mar-Taws or Magus.

Thanks be to God who created us and gave us the experiences of the great men of history. But it is very exciting to be born somewhere where these great men of history were born thousands of years ago.

The names of astrologers who have followed the star of Jesus Christ to Bethlehem are very interesting. Their identity belongs entirely to the Mithraists or Gavers of Mar-Taws. Their names are in some villages, cities, and persons of Kurdistan. Mar-Taws religion or Mithraism was the official religion in Kurdistan, Persia, Armenia, and southern Mesopotamia at that time. East of Israel was Mesopotamia, and beyond Mesopotamia is the land of the Medes and Shuruppak area, or the land of the Charkh and fire- temple of Aruna.

So the Bible addresses this event are accurate and correct. Finally, I invite dear readers to read my interview with Chris. I think you like it. I wish my dear friend Chris success and happiness. Merry Christmas.


Thank you!



1- Please present yourself:

.My Artist name is Chris Care and I have learned the art basis firstly at the Henri Dutilleux Music School, and later photography, image and sound production in a cinema school in Paris.


 2-what is your artistic specialize?

.My artistic specialize is the image and sound design. Going from composition, recording, mixing, photography and movie making.


3- When and how did you become interested in this field of art?

.I was 8 years old When I decided to learn how to play the guitar, bass and drums at the Henri Dutilleux music school in France. At that time, I was also interested by photography. I had my first real good camera at 17 years old and I started to make photographies of Paris and New York the following year. All my little jobs money was spent on guitars, photographic equipment and travels, starting in the early 90’s.


4- Who was your motivator?

.I was really inspired by two photographers : Henri Cartier Bresson and William Klein. Mister Cartier Bresson for his work around Paris and Asia, and William Klein for his work on New York and Tokyo. I am very turned to black and white and these two photograpers are for me the masters of this art. I had the opportunity to meet William Klein while working on a movie in Paris recently and it is a fabulous memory. Looking at him working, I think he is a living master in this art of black and white photography.


5- What was your parent’s reaction?

.My parents has given me the chance to feel free to travel and discover the world, what I did and do till now. As long as I did my best to get a diploma to insure my back it was ok for them. They already got a sensibility for literature, photography and music and I was solid enough to follow school, arts and sport training without too much difficulties. Therefore they didn’t worry about me or didn’t appear so.


6- When started you such as a professional artist, photographer?

. I gave my first concert at 8 years old, biggests at around 17 and stopped at around 35. Then I switched to photography, sound and movies as a professional.


7- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as a photographer?

. I am very thankful and happy with my activities. Am the kind of person who like to meet people, to discover countries and share experiences. Art is a very introspective adventure but also a unique way of meeting various people and visions. Photography, music and movies are a mix of that : give your emotion through a true and real story that can be felt differently by everyone. A kind of testimony of a period, a situation, people life, but with different interpretations, depending of the various sensibilities and perceptions of the audience.


8- How you see the view, the future of art, photography, culture?

.You are an artist; you should have an opinion... Art is feelings and feelings are part of human nature. So, in my opinion, art exists since the age of times. Then the future will follow the present and will evoluate together with the society. Whatever the strong technical innovation in the photography, image and sound, the eyes, ears, sensibility and imagination will remain the main ingredients in art pieces. Art is everywhere, together with beauty. Making the connection between feelings, imagination and technical skills is the key I think.

9- How does culture use photography?

. What do they have to do with each other? Photography illustrates our school and history books and make a strong difference in the way we represent the past, like paints did before. In addition to that, photography can also stimulate our imagination when it becomes less evident and more suggestive. For instance, I have always prefer the black and white images that allows to enlarge the imagination field of the audience. In France, we have a saying : culture is the only thing that remains when you have forgotten about all the rest. That means that culture and Arts can durably print your brain and heart and remains longer than any other knowledge.


10- Can you become one part of the artistic-cultural movement for motivation in youth or new generation in your country and so than?

.Am involved in musical, sound and image creation with some young artists, trying to pass my experience and skills while letting them do their own things. Being influenced is a point, doing an original work is far more important. My credo is « be yourself, be honest, and do things with love and passion".


11- How can you help our world become a better place to live?

.I try to be the best person I can with the ones I meet on a daily basis, without being candide. If someone spend a good time with me or my work it is already a self satisfaction. Let’s consider others as brothers and sisters. It has always been my way of doing things, really thinking that life is a chain and that some values are universal through hearts and emotions. I did travel a lot around the world and I must say that I am not so different from the people I meet. Humans worldwide are very similar on many points.


12- Have you more word to say or suggestion for our readers?

.I encourage everyone to be proud of themselves, to love as much as possible, to enlarge their vision and keep their own personality. All those values would be surrended by respect, love and humility.


Chris Care



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