By: Azad Karimi

I thought that be a writer is magical and tremendously cool... How foolish kid I was... It takes time to understand, it is much better to be handsome and rich.



Serbian Author Miljan Milianovic

By Azad Karimi


Yesterday, as I listened to President Biden's first keynote address. I noticed that he has a special interest in Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin was the sixth president of the United States. Regardless of her political messages and roadmap for the future of the United States and its relations with Europe and the Middle East and Russia and China and other problems, it was wonderful his talking about Benjamin Franklin.

I have known Benjamin Franklin and Queen Elizabeth I and Akhenaten since I was eleven years old also Battle of Plataea, the Peloponnesian wars, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Buddha, Ashoka, and Nero. I read these from a book that one of my uncles brought me as a gift because I went to sixth grade.

I read in that book that Benjamin Franklin is the inventor of the harmonica. Tonight I went to the internet to prepare this introduction and saw that the translator of that book mistranslated the name of glass harmonica into the harmonica. I recommend that you read the contents of this link for more information about this instrument.

And open this link and listen to the magical sound of this instrument.

You realize that Benjamin Franklin's brain was very evolving and complex. I prefer not to write another sentence because this introduction is about glass harmonica and Benjamin Franklin and not anything else.

I would like you to pay attention to the interview with my dear friend Miljan. He is a good writer from Serbia. I wish him and his family happiness.


Thank you!





1- Please present yourself (Name, education, job, Civil status and...)

.My name is Miljan and I am in love with sailing and making prime quality distillates.


2- what is your cultural specialize?

.I guess it is short stories writer and observer fascinated by research in the field of artificial intelligence and the creativity of machines.


3- When and how did you become interested in this field of culture?

.I thought that be a writer is magical and tremendously cool... How foolish kid I was... It takes time to understand, it is much better to be handsome and rich.


4- Who was your motivator?

.Peter Beard’s photography “I'll Write Whenever I Can”, Koobi Fora, Lake Rudolf, Kenya.


5- What was your parent's reaction?

.Start acting normal and stop writing that nonsense.


6- When started you such as a professional Author?



 7- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as an Author?

.I decided to be happy and I am thankful for the possibility to make a decision.


8-Tell us Please: Do you see a special connect between Author and culture? .

No!Disconnection is the key.


9- Why do some literary works become immortal?

.That is because someone found out that immortality is good for selling.


10- How you see the view, the future of literature, culture? You are an Author; you have opinions surely...

.Who gives a fuck for the future, we should take care and be interested in the present of literature.


11- Can you become one part of the cultural movement for motivation in youth or new generation in your country and so than?



12- How can you help our world become a better place for living?

.Actually, I am on another mission… help our world become funny.


13- Have you more word to say or suggestion for our readers?

.Strive for freedom and reject false authorities.

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