ما 983 مهمان و بدون عضو آنلاین داریم

By: Azad Karimi

The world is a pretty big place!! Fortunately, I sometimes believe that the world as a whole (down to the smallest detail) works with a complex causes-effects system to immeasurable levels and to unimaginable scope.



Russian-Colombian Symphony Conductor Ivan Francisco Pedraza Gomez

By Azad Karimi


I have been motivated by the fact that there is an "immaterial something" in the world with the ability to awaken incredible emotions, to inspire millions of people around the world.*

What does this young Colombian say? ... These expressions are like the spirit of flowing life.

Congratulations to Colombia for presenting a music scientist to the international community. Dear readers of this interview, if they read the text of the interview, they will realize that I am telling the truth about him.

One thing stands out in the life of this young musician, this music student: Accurate knowledge of what he wants…from his logic, you see a will and a dogmatic logic with a perspective to the future. This is very proudly and respectable.

What is more interesting is his order and accuracy in choosing the right words. This is what he calls the correct use of time.

OK! I will not write anything more about his positive points. I hope he adds to these good things and does not become arrogant because extra-pride stops human progress.

May God bless this Colombian friend of mine Ivan Francisco and make him happy with his wife and child ... with much success and progress.



Thank you!





1- Please present yourself: (Name, education, Civil status and...)

. My name is Ivan Francisco Pedraza Gomez. I was born in Colombia in 1987. Now I am living in Russia. I am married and have a beautiful little daughter. In Colombia, I finished university musical studies as a violinist in my hometown, Bucaramanga. In Russia, I graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatory as an opera and symphony conductor. Currently,I am studying a postgraduate degree in conducting at the Saint Petersburg State Conservatory.


2-What is your artistic specialize?

. My specialty is opera and symphony conducting.


3- When and how did you become interested in this field of art?

. I became interested in conducting during my experience as an orchestral musician. As a member of the UNAB Symphony Orchestra, I had the opportunity to see the work of excellent conductors, who, with their talent and professionalism, inspired and encouraged me to become a conductor.


4- Who was your motivator?

. I think that since the beginning of my musical life I have been motivated by the fact that there is an "immaterial something" in the world with the ability to awaken incredible emotions, to inspire millions of people around the world. Likewise, I am motivated by the fact that music is a universal language, capable of promoting a peaceful coexistence between the most heterogeneous groups of people.


5- What was your parent’s reaction?

. From my early childhood, my parents made the wise decision to stimulate my growth with the help of music, always recognizing the value of an education with artistic elements, which is always an excellent option. So when it came time to decide that music would be my professional occupation, their reaction was consistent with their principles.Their support has been extremely important in all these years of study and musical work.


6- When started you such as a professional musician?

. I think that when I finished high school (with a musical emphasis) and was admitted to the university, I understood that there could be nothing else I could dedicate myself to with such determination as music.


7- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as musician?

. Of course! Despite the fact that the academic and professional path of music (or at least mine) contains several difficult and even absolutely devastating moments, I feel that I am giving my life to what I love the most. Music brings with it many joys, many intense emotions, and moments of utter gratification. In addition, having the possibility, not only to dedicate yourself to music but also to share your own knowledge and experiences with other people is something priceless.


8- What is music culture? What is music logic?

. Musical culture, from an almost anthropological point of view, is one of the most profound elements that make up the identity of a people, of a nation. Likewise, on a psychological level, the musical culture (musical baggage) of each person is part of the foundations of their identity, their personality, their being. Musical culture is one of the broadest manifestations that characterize us as humans. Musical culture fulfills the function of a mirror of an era (both personal and historical), through it, we can come to understand what is happening to us at a certain moment, how it sounds, and what emotions and feelings the time we are living generates. As for the logic of music; being largely a language, music is governed by the logic of its structures, its thematic units, and the interaction between them and in relation to the environment, let's say that music usually acts accordingly, "logically", with what happens on a historical level and even on a personal level; life and history constantly generate stimuli that are interpreted by composers and musical performers in the form of sounds and sound discourses.


9- Why do some songs become immortal?

.From the previous question comes the answer to this one. From my point of view, I consider that the musical works of art that achieve the status of "immortal" are precisely those that best express a certain historical moment. And, paradoxically, they do not necessarily express the moment in which they were created, but also contain an element of, let's say, predictive power. The people who were awarded the ability to create this eternal art, to make music for eternity, also have an additional gift to understand the human soul in-depth, to feel it and, accordingly, to express with sounds a certain essence to which you have the need to constantly return. Besides that, I think that some general parameters can be established (at least in terms of classical music) which has to do with the solidity of the musical structure and the quality of the dramaturgy that the musical work contains. But that can be a topic for a much more specific conversation.


10- How you see the Music, art and culture in your perspective? I mean your prediction for the future of music!

. If we talk about form and content, I think that the content of what music and musical culture will be in the future (near and far) is always uncertain; although in some way it will always respond to the principle of reciprocity between what happens to us and how we interpret it. In terms of form, it will always be as variable and unpredictable as the very scope of human creativity. In some way, our wants and needs largely define our environment and the characteristics of our being; Therefore, to predict a little the future of our art, perhaps we should try to be in deep contact and understanding of these two factors.


11- Can you become one part of the cultural movement for motivation in youth or new generation in your country and so than?

. As for being part of a whole movement, I don't know; I honestly haven't thought of it that way. However, I have always been deeply convinced that one of our main moral duties as artists is to go back to the source; always return to the places where we have learned, where we have been trained, and humbly and gratefully try to use the power of our art to transform the environment (if it requires it) or simply accompany and support the processes that new generations of people are starting with, perhaps, the same difficulties that we once encountered.


12- How can you help our world become a better place to live?

. The world is a pretty big place!! Fortunately, I sometimes believe that the world as a whole (down to the smallest detail) works with a complex causes-effects system to immeasurable levels and to unimaginable scope. So perhaps the overriding idea, goal, or objective should not always be expressed in terms of "me and the world". Rather, we must ensure that each our act, each our project, each our idea, and even each our word are in harmony with what we consider our principles, with what "good" means for us; especially recognizing the transformative and inspiring power of our art. Surely, this enormous causes-effects system will bring the necessary effect to the necessary place and at the necessary moment. Especially if those acts, ideas, and words are carried out with impeccable quality and with a sincere and deep desire for kindness.


13- Have you more word to say or suggest for our readers?

. I really appreciate this initiative. It is really nice to find the possibility to express yourself, to share openly. Today's aggressive media world often makes us believe that valid or interesting opinions are only those that generate the most noise and scandal. When in fact, the personal world of each one contains so much wealth that it is enough to just sit and talk disinterestedly and openly with anyone. We may not always find things that resonate with our beliefs, but at least we will always find out something new.








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