ما 9129 مهمان و بدون عضو آنلاین داریم

By: Azad Karimi

I presented my work in various exhibitions and had the chance to participate in a few artist residencies which have brought me a lot. Today my activity as director and curator does not leave me enough time but i'm still working and some of my projects are still in progress.



French Photographer Lydie Palaric Vignau

By Azad Karimi


I am not myself if I don't create or if I don't serve culture.

A very nice sentence by Lydie ... I enjoyed it. There is no logic higher than this ... belief in duty and belief in our true selves and what we have learned from how the logic of creation is the basis of art. Also, serving culture, which is a moral and social commitment, and, is nothing but the politics of civilization. In connection with this beautiful sentence of dear Lydie, I would like to recount an important and interesting subject in order to show the power of human effort and will and confirm what Lydie says:

United States Department of State published some notes in its annual report on the cultural and political rights of the Kurds in Iran. US Secretary of State Mr.Anthony Blinken has written in a part of the report:

Nearly eight million Kurds in Iran are deprived of their rights, and when they try to further develop and achieve autonomy, they are repressed by the Iranian government, Iranian regime arrest and harass them by enforcing the law. This is while the Kurds want freedom of expression and political freedom...The Iranian government bans Kurdish newspapers, magazines, books, and journalists who write in Kurdish, especially those who criticize government policies. The report states that it is not possible to study in Kurdish in public schools in Iran although there is no legal prohibition.


As my dear friend Lydie says, we are not someone if we do not create and serve culture... This service is through the development of language, art, literature, and other cultural manifestations and citizenship.



Congratulations to the people of Kurdistan in Iran, whose rights have been recognized by a major country like the United States, and to Europe, which has announced that it is monitoring the ethnic legal status of the Kurds in Iran. Of course, the efforts of committed Kurdish cultural activists caused the civilized world to pay attention to the problem of the Kurds in Iran ....


Dear Lydie is an educated photographer and studied in France .... An avant-garde photographer is someone who, in addition to education and experience, must be bold and creative and constantly strive for the professional development of his art and serve culture, and he-she also should be committed to the community... I think dear Lydie is on this path and so I congratulate her and wish her success and progress.


Thank you!



1- Please present yourself: Name, education, Civil status and...

.My name is Lydie Palaric I'm French and I studied at the Bordeaux School of Fine Arts and obtained my Masters in 2009. I took part in creating the associative art center "La Forêt d'Art Contemporain" (“The forest of contempory art” : http://www.laforetdartcontemporain.com/), in the South West of France, of which I am now the director. Visual artist I'm particularly interested in photography and its theories that I had the chance to teach. Today I am also involved in curating exhibitions especially for the “Maison de la Photographie des Landes” (“The house of Photography” in the territory of Landes : https://maisondelaphotodeslandes339221463.wordpress.com).


 2-What is your artistic specialize?

.Mainly photographic my work also develops around various mediums: video, drawing, text, and installation. What challenges me is the question of space and its enigmatic potential, ordinary subjects, and what is hidden beyond appearances.

3- When and how did you become interested in this field of art?

.I have always been interested in art. Already very small 5, 6 years old I practiced drawing a lot and I affirmed my wish to make it my profession. Some people showed me the way : a teacher, my grandmother who was very interested in all forms of culture. I have always been very creative and very drawn to it.


4- Who was your motivator?

. Passion. I could never shut up this attraction for art. I am not myself if I don't create or if I don't serve culture. My work as director and curator is very different from my personal artistic practice but helping to build projects and carry them remains an exceptional motivation and in my opinion it is also a form of creation.


5- What was your parent’s reaction?

.It was complicated. When I was very young they first tried to dissuade me. It scared them and I had time to change my mind. My parents were a dairy cow farmer I grew up on a farm and art and culture was not at all the priority. Then they resolved to my determination and they supported me. Today I think they don't always understand what I'm doing in life but I hope they are proud of it.


6- When did you become such a professional artist, a Teacher and a Artistic Director?

.I have been a photography artist self-employed for 11 years already just after my studies. Regarding the “Forêt d'Art Contemporain” project, it has been 10 years since the adventure began and I am developing this project with great people. The teaching came with a proposal of the Bordeaux School of Fine Arts who asked me to teach the theories of photographic images. It was particularly rich and interesting to invest in this subject. I have always liked to share with others what fascinates me. Today I don't teach anymore I would maybe come back to it later. The exhibition curator is new for me, since this year, thanks to the “Maison de la photographie des Landes” which trusts me. Many projects and exhibitions is being prepared.

7-You are a commissioner. Please tell us what is the relationship between law and order with the culture of law and social order?

.I did not understand this question.


 9- Visual artist and photographer are your other specialties. Please explain about your experiences in these fields.

. I presented my work in various exhibitions and had the chance to participate in a few artist residencies which have brought me a lot. Today my activity as director and curator does not leave me enough time but i'm still working and some of my projects are still in progress. I like having time to think and refine my work before presenting it, even more, when I can't devote myself to it one hundred percent (because of my other activities). This dynamic led me to focus on the photo and gradually I realize that the text takes more and more space. So I write more than before. My projects are mainly editorial with a lot of images obviously.


10- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as an art director?

 .Yes it's always new adventures, I don't get bored.


11- How do you see the view about art, culture, art directing?

.Like an exceptional playground.


12- Can you become one part of the cultural movement for motivation in youth or new generations in your country and so on?

. We have indeed an important mission for the youth and I work for that. It's part of my mission in everything I do. Each of the structures I work for offers cultural education projects that I supervise. It contributes to the development of culture and to the awakening of all audiences.


13- How can you help our world become a better place to live?

.It's a good question. I think the first idea would be to continue to transmit my passion.


14- Have you more words to say or suggest for our readers?

.Please excuse me for my poor english level.






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