ما 9811 مهمان و بدون عضو آنلاین داریم

By: Azad Karimi

I think media art curators and critics sometimes make a picture “ immortal”. Personally, I think the big masters made history. Some of them as for example decamp or bacon gave an important twist in art history.



Spanish-Dutch-Italian Artist Alan Spazzali

By Azad Karimi


I want to connect with contemporary life through the technology we have now...Alan says...  

What is our share of technology? Are we able to live without technology?

Certainly not! Because the world has changed and the relations of human beings and human societies in the world have changed. We now live in an age of high-tech communications.


Therefore, nostalgia for returning to the past can not be considered an attempt to stop technology and use it.

Recently, Iran's political leaders signed a protocol with the Chinese government, according to which the Chinese can launch a Chinese-style intranet in Iran. That is control, censorship, as well as a disconnection from the world.

Two years ago, protests in Iran over a 300 percent increase in gasoline prices led Iranian leaders to consider cutting off the Internet and implementing it for two weeks. The nationwide internet cut was also carried out by the Burmese military in recent weeks against demonstrations and unrest by protesters against the military coup against the legitimate Burmese government.

In recent weeks, the words of Elon Musk, the entrepreneur and richest man in the world, have promised to create an Internet space network that covers all parts of the world. He explicitly stated that from now on, the dictators of the world could not cover up their ugly acts and violence by cutting off the nationwide internet.

I hope this project will be implemented as soon as possible and I wish Elon Musk happiness and success.

Finally, I invite you to read the text of the interview. I wish my dear friend Alan success, progress, and happiness.





Thank you!





1- Please present yourself (Name, education, Civil status and…)

. I am Alan Spazzali. I was born in Trieste (Italy). I am a dutch citizen of Italian origin and actually. I live in Barcelona Spain. I acquired my Bachelor's Degree from the Ecole Nacionale Superieur des Beaux-Arts and the Ecole des Arts Decoratief in Paris and I get a post-graduation course in the Rietveld Modern Art Academy in Amsterdam.


2- What is your artistic specialize?

.I began to use photography as a complement to my painting. My specialization in advertising photography and graphics introduced me to the world of individual creation. I have used various styles and materials, all of them expressing their affinity for the forefront and always consistent visual as an artist. Currently, my work is characterized by its symbolic

style, believing that the emotional message of an image can tell a story I am making an Enlightenment Capsule for the audience to meditate inside — virtual reality in which people can experience ideas . . . I want to connect with contemporary life through the technology we have now. I paint fragments with varied levels of connection to reality. Within that parameter, I am probing relationships between connection and separation, similarity and difference, image and self. I usually don't plan things in advance; I just let it happen, sometimes waiting, sometimes wandering around until the right moment arrives. It arrives when I feel the energy, accumulated from that precise time and place, in my body. Then I immediately start work.

3- When and how did you become interested in this field of art?

.At age 18


4- Who was your motivator?

.My art professor


5- What was your parent’s reaction?

.Encouraging.They applaude my decision


6- When started you such as a professional Artist-Painter?

.At 2000


7- Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as an artist? .Yes! I am.


8- How you see the view for art, painting and future of culture? .Technology will be more and more an integrated part of it.


9-Why do some paintings become immortal?

. I think media art curators and critics sometimes make a picture “ immortal”. Personally, I think the big masters made history. Some of them as for example decamp or bacon gave an important twist in art history.


10- Can you become one part of the artistic-cultural movement for motivation in youth or new generation in your country and so than?

. I am much more individualist. I am not trying to make the world a better place. I think global conscience is the key.


11- How can you help our world become a better place to live?

.I do not pretend to that. I try to be honest with things are surrounding me.


12- Have you more word to say or suggestion for our readers?








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